General Updates / Bug Fixes
- Fixed BH100 missing on certain days.
- Due to increasing server population, we are slightly expanding the amount of members allowed in a faction to 25 / 35 / 45 for level 1 / 2 / 3
- Added 10 slaying levels to all Rank 6 weapons.
- Fixed newbie buffs for players level 1-30, so that they are properly granted in all areas of the game.
- Re-worked rewards from Chest of Sincerity that you earn for completing a full FC, lowered the amount of guaranteed Frost Fragments per chest, but also buffed all the other possible rare rewards, and made it significantly more likely you will get rare rewards.
- Character deletion time changed to 1 week , to prevent accidental character deletions.
- DB/SB R6 Weapons have been added to the Nirvana Forge.
- All DB/SB Quest Weapons can now be properly disposed of by trading them with Assistant Wang Tsai for Perfect Stones.
- Reverted City of Abominations to how it worked originally, as the latest set of changes was breaking the event.
- Celestial Tiger Bosses HP increased to account for increased server population and increased player levels.
- Various minor fixes and changes to prevent any potential exploits.
- Improved various item descriptions to be more clear / accurate.
- The Infernal Enchantresses have been defeated for now, and retire their assault from the cities of Perfect World.
- Enabled Archosaur Invasion event which will run on Sunday 16:00-19:00 UTC +0
Morai Daily Quests
- Rewards for the following Morai daily quests have been adjusted to 120 Prestige and 30 Influence:
- Crimsonfin Bulls
- Glimmering Specters
- Wizard Slaves
- Precise Parts
- Buzzard Hunting
- Gardening for Trust
- Scale Feathers
- Warrior Slave
- Crimsonfin Warriors
Morai Divine Contracts
- Rewards for the following purple Morai quests have been adjusted to 150 Prestige and 60 Influence:
- Mastiff
- Dryad
- Faerie
Morai EU Rewards Changes
- Rewards now have a 10% chance to yield Endless: Weapon Card (100 Morai Weapon)
- 90% chance to yield 5 Dragon Emperor Chests, which contain a variety of incredibly powerful and rare apothecary pots, along with a small chance at skill books.
Faction Base Dailies
- Increased the Faction Base Materials gained from dailies from 80 to 140.
Quest Drops (QSM Mats)
- QSM Mats have been removed from the following quests:
- Crisis of the Tauroc
- Strange Dog
- Ex-Cons
- Perfect World Bestiary
- Miss Yun's Missing
- Past and Present
- Thousands of Years
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