Gameplay Changes / Bug fixes
- GV Map has been fixed so it is now an instance instead of an open world map.
- TM 79 has been fixed so that all squad members get medals when the squad leader talks to the final NPC.
- Celestial Tigers rewards boosted (15 celestial packs now instead of 10)
- Glazed Celestial packs now also give 100k coins like the Silver and bronze.
- Rep added to the top 3 tiers of Tiger packs (35 rep Glazed, 20 rep Silver , 10 rep Bronze)
- Morai Fragments added to Tigers Event rewards
- Morai Fragments added to Nation Wars Forge
- Rank 6 Badges added to PVP Tourny Rewards Exchange, Tigers Rewards Exchange and Nation Wars Forge
- Reflective Shards added to BH100 and New quests
- Coins added to Level 100+ Faction base quests, 100k to each
- Morai Weapon Reforge Added
- City of Abomination Bosses and Mobs have been nerfed
- Autopath to the Level 100+ Weekly quest has been fixed.
- Reduce Celestial Tiger Event Mob count to 6k
- Rank 8 Fragments added to Justice Manor in faction base
- Coins and Rep added to Lunar (100k Coins, 250 rep per run)
- Coins and Rep added to Warsong (150k coins , 350 rep per run)
- Coins and Rep added to Nirvana (100k coins , 250 rep per run)
- EXP, Spirit, Coins + rep added to QSM and more morai fragments added to quest rewards. (450k XP, 100k Spirit, 110k Coins, 250 Rep)
- FC Blessing quest has been fixed.
- New Questline added for players who have rebirthed (21 Quests)
- More quests will be added with each patch until there is 1500.