1. Server Concept Changes
- Server Rates have been adjusted to 2× XP, 2× Quest XP, 2× Spirit, and 2× Coins.
- Morai and all its related features, dungeons, quests are now included in the game.
- All level brackets of Phoenix Valley and related features are now included in the game.
- Rebirthing has currently been disabled and Rebirth tiers will gradually be unlocked in future as the server evolves.
- The Meridian System has been added.
2. New Dungeons & Instance Changes
- Empress of Buffs has been added inside all Phoenix Valley dungeons.
- Morai EU/AEU Dungeons are now available.
- Quicksand Maze has been temporarily removed.
- All Mounts can now be used inside every FB dungeon + FC.
3. Morai Changes
- Morai Items are again obtained through the original daily quests that grant Influence and Prestige.
- Morai Daily Quests now provide +50% Prestige, +50% Influence, and +50 Reputation.
- Morai Weekly quest now grants 150 Prestige and 100 Reputation.
- Morai Divine Emissary quests also give +50% Prestige and +50% Influence.
- Morai Fragments have been removed.
4. Gameplay Changes & Bug Fixes
- 155.dll Error:33 when booting the game for Windows 11 users has been fixed!
- New Event: The Infernal Enchantresses have taken siege of all the major cities in Perfect World, kill them for rewards!
- The 4m/s Flyer from the level 10 quest “The Maidens’ Summon” is now permanent (formerly 3 days).
- G16 Armor reforge now requires 5 Basic Badges + 1 Essence of Defence (down from 8 Badges).
- G16 Weapon reforge now requires 8 Basic Badges + 1 Essence of Attack (down from 20 Badges).
- Nirvana Talismans are now stackable.
- Rare Items from Infernal Packs will now be announced in system chat.
- Increased craft speed of all gems / token of luck items massively.
- Perfect stone coin cost reduced by 50% in pocket shop.
- Apocalypse pages can now be crafted with Tokens of luck.
- Heavenrage Boots and FC Weapons have been removed from Infernal packs. Uncanny and Rapture Chests have been added.
- Uncanny and Rapture Crystals have been added to Maiden Kissed Chests.
- Scarlet Fruit and Socket Stones are removed from Chest of Sincerity; replaced with Infernal Packs and Frost Fragments.
- Reflection (AFK XP) is now available from level 31 onward and is no longer locked to Realm of Reflection (can be done in the open world).
- Reflective Shard has been added to Roll Call rewards.
- Players below level 30 will automatically receive a set of buffs to help them on their initial adventure in InfernalPW.
- Fixed a huge amount of bugs related to various Quest NPC co-ordinates/auto-pathing taking players to the wrong place.
- Various other bug fixes and localisation improvements.
5. Quest & Reputation Changes
- FC Quests level requirement has been lowered to 75.
- “A Daring Rescue” quest now gives 100k XP, 100 Rep, and 2 Frost Fragments.
- “Evil Spreading” quest now gives 100 Rep and 3 Frost Fragments.
- “Sincerity” quest now gives 200 Rep.
- Nirvana now yields 500 Rep per run.
- Warsong now yields 750 Rep per run.
- Lunar now yields 600 Rep per run.
- DQ 101+ also gives 2 Infernal Packs.
- BH100 now rewards 500 Reputation, 1 Infernal Pack, plus Mystical and Holy Pills.
- World Quest (70-90) quests have had their rewards boosted, extra rep, coins and an Infernal pack at 90+
- Cube of fate (50-90) quests have had their rewards boosted, extra coins, mirages and chips.
- Wraiths’ Ploy now provides +2000 Rep.
- Celestial Vale quests have had their coin rewards massively boosted (some are now x100, minimum x10).
- Critical Repair daily: now grants 150 Rep and 25k coins.
- Delicious Soup daily: now grants 150 Rep and 25k coins.
- Patrol the Streams daily: +25 Rep for each section.
- 3-hour Online Daily Quest added:
- Rewards: 1 Attendance Sheet, 1 Advice Box, 1 Reflective Shard, 25 Reputation
- 5-hour Online Daily Quest added:
- Rewards: 1 Attendance Sheet, 15 Mysterious Chips, 1 Reflective Shard, 150 Reputation
6. Level-Up Rewards
- Level 1: New Player Pack containing many useful items including a 7d Unlimited Teleport Stone and Platinum Charms.
- Level 55, 70, 85: Each tier now includes a powerful full Armor Set in the level rewards.
- A large range of other tweaks to level rewards across most brackets to streamline the gameplay experience, especially at the lower levels.
7. Twilight Temple (TT) Squad Mode Updates
- In all TT Squad Modes, each mob kill guarantees 1 item drop (with a 1/3 chance to be Piece of Skeleton, Klunky Sword, etc.).
- TT1-X Bosses:
- Crusade Orders removed from drop list
- Green item drop rate increased by 3%
- TT2-1 / TT2-2 / TT2-3: Wurlord:
- Drops increased from 4 to 6
- TT2-2: Astral Walker:
- Crusade Orders removed
- Green item drop rate increased by 3%
- TT2-3: Astral Walker:
- Crusade Orders and Fairy Boxes removed
- Astral Stone and Wheel of Seven Luminaries drop rates +5% each
- TT2-3: Ancient Evil:
- Gold drop rate increased by 2.5%
- Green drop rate increased by 5%
- Stone of Sacred Temple drop rate decreased by 10%
- Crusade Orders removed
8. Cash Shop Price Reductions
- All Fashion: 50% discount
- All Dyes: 50% discount
- All Mounts: 50% discount
- All Smileys: 50% discount
- Tienkang/Chienkun/Tisha Stones: 50% discount
- Production Skill Training Chests: 30% discount
- Fushi Pearls (Flight Speed Upgrade): 50% discount
- All Materials: 50% discount
- All Coloured Names: 50% discount
- Fireworks: 50% discount
- Platinum Charms: 10g → 6g
- Gold Charms: 5g → 3g
- Silver Charms: 2.8g → 1.5g
- Hyper EXP Stones: 2g → 1.25g
- Platoon Combat Potions: 3g → 1.5g
- Bride Pack: 25g → 20g
- Groom Pack: 25g → 20g
- Same Gender Pack: 30g → 20g
- Nemesis Tracker: 10g → 5g
- Pick Up All (30 days): 75g → 60g
- Absence Note: 5g → 2.5g
- Identity Stone: 150g → 75g
- Arcane Book: Pet: 2.5g → 1.5g
- Star-Reset Plate: 150g → 125g
- Perfect Horn: 5g → 2g
9. Cash Shop New Items
- Brilliant Essence: 3g
- Reflective Shard: 2g
- Holy Pill: 1g
- Mystical Pill: 1g
- Title Packs: 1 - 6 (Earn all titles in the game): 100g each
- Rank 6 Signs: 75g each
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