Patch 1-15

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Staff member
Apr 25, 2024

The below list consolidates all changes that have been made between the start of the beta test and the official launch, massive thank you to everybody who provided bug reports and feedback throughout our beta test!

Patch 1-15

Gameplay Changes / Bug Fixes​

  • Fixed various teleports inside CV warping players to maximum height.
  • Increased max player name length from 12 to 14 characters.
  • Fixed the Crazy Stone 100 Quest so it is now completable.
  • Fixed bug where Psychics skills linked to a players soulforce were not working properly.
  • Resolved an issue where the announcement for new character creation displayed names as a series of boxes.
  • Enabled Caster Nirvana, with increased drop rates and a custom bonus XP reward, similar to the regular version of Nirvana.
  • Added a daily reward of Nirvana Talismans from the Mysterious Old Man NPC.
  • Added Nirvana Talismans to BH100 rewards.
  • Replaced all R9 mold drops with G16 molds in Warsong.
  • Fixed a bug in Warsong where the Shadowskull Lich's death would not register properly, preventing the final boss from being summoned.
  • Fixed the World Quest daily, making it completable, and reduced the total volumes required to 30.
  • Corrected all Nightshade R8R weapon/armor recipes so they are now craftable.
  • Adjusted treasure maps to prevent players from going out of level range.
  • Reduced Trivia daily quest count from 15 to 5, with x3 the rewards.
  • Fixed the level requirement for the Statue of Snowsoul.
  • Updated the level 50 weapon reward to include a dragon order that can be exchanged for a powerful level 50 weapon.
  • Enabled crafting of G13/G15 Sabers and Scythes.
  • Corrected multiple issues with the Mystical Merchant NPC, ensuring proper exchange of TT golds for Mysterious Chips.
  • Enabled mount usage inside FC.
  • Fixed descriptions of colored names in the English client.
  • Fixed starter flyer descriptions, ensuring they no longer appear as exclusive to Seeker/Mystic classes.
  • Added automated system chat announcements for Nation War (Friday, Saturday, Sunday), Archosaur Invasion, and daily resets.
  • Replaced all instances of Khoan the Survivor NPC with Dragon Quest Director Lohng and Dragon Herald NPCs. (We have decided not to implement PV in our version, and our fully custom Dragon Quest system is going to be an important way to earn gear/blessings within InfernalPW.)
  • Added the Ghost Spirit NPC to Heaven's Tear to streamline the 39 Cultivation Quest.
  • Fixed Cube rooms 52, 56, and 58 having duplicate quests.
  • Updated Cube room 50 rewards to allow claiming the prize while progressing to room 60 and earning a Cog of Fate.
  • Fixed inconsistent rewards in certain FB quests, ensuring all group members receive the same rewards.
  • Increased reputation rewards for various lower level FB tabs.
  • Updated Dragon Temple rewards from beach fashion to a wide range of Christmas themed fashion and a rare chance at Infernal packs.
  • Reduced decomposition time for all items (weapons, armor, ornaments) to 5 seconds.
  • Corrected the color of the four new FC green weapons (Dagger, Soulsphere, Scythe, Saber) to match the other FC greens.
  • Enabled decomposition of the new FC green weapons into souledges for crafting their FC gold equivalents.
  • Various other minor bug fixes
  • Disabled access to all events for the first week of launch, (Including TW, NW, Tigers, Archo Invasion, CoA, Tournament, DT, Forest Ruins, Snake Isle etc.) The first event, Tigers, will begin on Monday December 30th to allow players to level up without missing events during the holiday period, and also to ensure as many players as possible are high enough level to qualify to enter all the events, when they do begin.

New Features​

  • Introduced a new daily quest inside of every TT from 1-1 to 3-3 which can be completed x2 per day. Awards a chunk of XP for killing various TT bosses, allowing you to grind gear while also level up with your friends at the same time!
  • Completely rebuilt the old-school Dragon Quest system with improved rewards, including full sets of level 55 and level 70 gear, Infernal Packs, and a powerful weekly blessing, to encourage players to explore and kill monsters all over Perfect World!

UI Changes​

  • Fixed the misaligned flashing HP bar when taking damage.
  • Brightened the top-left display of HP/MP/Chi to improve readability.
  • Temporarily removed player/mob distance calculation from the UI until it can be implemented more accurately.
  • Fixed the flyer acceleration bar UI to properly reflect acceleration time depletion.
  • Adjusted the HP/MP charm UI to ensure the bars deplete as the charm runs out.

Boutique Changes​

  • Adjusted Flicker: Yellow Name time limit to 30 days.
  • Reduced Teleacoustic cost from 0.10 gold to 0.05 gold.
  • Corrected Mystical Tome Page x10 price from 90 gold to 9 gold.
  • Reduced Platoon Potion cost from 4 gold to 3 gold.

Economy Changes​

  • Significantly increased coin rewards from many quests throughout the beginner zone Celestial Valley.
  • Reduced the coin cost of wines by approximately 30%.
  • Drastically reduced the coin cost of Teleacoustics in the Pocket Shop and Perfect Token Exchange.
  • Slightly reduced the coin cost of teleport stones in the Pocket Shop.
  • Removed all coin costs associated with decomposing equipment.

Translation Changes​

  • Massive amount of translation issues fixed across the RU client too many to list here. Big thank you and shout out to @kimij for all the time and effort they put into helping us with perfecting the translation of this client and the various Russian text on our website and forums!
  • Translated a few items still showing in English for the Portuguese client
Christmas Changes [Expected to run for 2-3 weeks]
  • Activated spawning of snowmen, snowfall effects, and Christmas decorations.
  • Applied a winter theme across the entire world and many instances.
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